The Network proposes a concept for a telerobotic vehicle that is designed with the specific metals and temperature control systems to work within the permanently-shadowed craters at the poles of the Moon. In 2009, NASA demonstrated the presence of significant amounts of water ice and organics in one of those craters.

(Have someone read the following while manually demonstrating the steps)

This IceHarvester vehicle is designed to combine several functions into one and hence greatly simplify the process of extracting the ices from those craters. Here's the Concept of Operations:
    - Icy dirt is scooped up into a bucket wheel and dumped into the body of the IceHarvester.
    - After closing the lid, the body of the Ice Harvester rolls along its axis while microwave heaters steam out the volatiles similar to how a clothes dryer works.
    - After the volatiles collect into the side holding tanks, the IceHarvester tilts up its body much like a dump truck and "poops" out the dry dirt.
    - Then the IceHarvester repeats these steps until the side takes are full.
    - Then the IceHarvester backs up to the IceBall Maker & Shooter to deliver the ice up to the crater rim where sunlight can be used to separate and process the volatiles.
    - This system eliminates the need for separate excavator and over and eliminates the need for a Hauler.
    - Power beamed from the sunlit ridge down to collectors by the IceBall Maker allows for the IceHarvester to be recharged and continue the operations.

Solar Drapes
Everything that we do on the Moon and Mars will require power. With the ability to deliver between 100 and 150 metric tons of payload at a time, how much electrical power could be produced if we were to deliver solar drapes to one of the so-called Peaks of Eternal Light on a rim of a crater at the lunar south pole?

In our proposal, Starship would land and drop down an electrically-powered wagon fill with telescoping poles and rolls of solar drapes consisting of thin-film photovoltaic cells. The wagon would drive to one of these peaks. It would first drill a vertical hole using an auger and then tilt up one of the telescoping poles. At the tip of the telescoping pole is attaches a conducting suspension line to the first solar drape role which is connected to the second, third, fourth, and fifth. As the wagon drives forward each roll is simply pulled out the back of the wagon. The fifth roll is then attached by the suspension line to the tip of the second hole. The wagon drills the second hole, tilts up the second telescoping pole and so forth until the entire line of poles and solar drapes are put in place. Then, motors on each telescoping pole causes them to extend vertically pulling up the suspension line between the drapes which in turn pulls up and rolls out each drape. In this way, an entire wall of solar drapes is erected. Since there is no wind on the Moon, there is no chance of them being blown over

We have two models of the solar drapes. The smaller model illustrates about 1/3rd of the length of the solar drapes. Our larger scale model is quite high. However, the actual solar drapes on the Moon would be about six times that height

So back to our original question. How much power could a single payload delivery of solar drapes provide? Taking into account a number of inefficiencies, out estimate is that the answer is 5.1 megawatts. What could be done with that much power? It would be enough power to produce 36 tonnes of water-based propellant, OR 11.5 tonnes of iron, OR enough power to grow food enough for 308 people!

Solar Drapes
Nuclear Power
Power Network Video
The IceHarvester
Shooting Iceballs From Crater Floor

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