Are you excited about what you have read on these web pages? Would you like to get involved? There are many ways of doing so.

We need help with our InstaBase display effort to be held near Boca Chica, TX just before and after the first Starship orbital attempt. If you are planning on traveling there to witness it, why not offer to help us with our display? Help needed includes:
     - Helping us connect with out space advocacy organizations so the InstaBase grounds becomes a one-stop shop for space advocacy organizations.
     - PR activities including putting up signs and distributing adverts.
     - Being trained for hosting stations during InstaBase tours.
     - Manning various booths and managing the crowd on the InstaBase grounds.

If you would like to get involved in the Network's long-term projects, then, by all means, please join the Network and participate in the Working Groups. The Network is always free but we do ask that you commit to donating at least six hours of volunteer time each year.

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